I post recipes of the vegan food I tried cooking. I adopt them from blogs, websites, podcasts, cookbooks, both Japanese and American.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lemon Mousse

Yesterday, I made some tabouleh for lunch with my cold rice and the dried cilantro I had. It was amazingly good but I also wanna try it with a bunch of fresh parsley, like the Lebanese folks do. Then I had some fresh lemon leftover I got from making the tabouleh, so I decided to make some lemon mousse for dessert. Fortunately, my lemon was juicy enough to give me still more leftover to make another 2 servings for today's dessert, which I already ate by myself. lol Considering the conventional lemon mousse is made with condensed milk and cream, This vegan version is way healthier with tofu and maple syrup, even tho it's really rich and yummy.

Ingredients (serves 2)
150g (5.2oz.) firm tofu
1 1/2 table spoon maple syrup
1 pinch salt
1 tablespoon lemon juice
lemon zest (1/2 lemon worth)
1 slice lemon for garnish

Add everything except for the slice to a blender and pulse.
Pour the mixture, garnish the slice, chill in the fridge and serve.

The lemon zest is critical in this recipe. It adds to the rich flavor and keeps the mousse from tasting like tofu. I accidentally ended up adding the zest after pulsing yesterday, and it tasted more like tofu. I added it before pulsing today and it worked better. You can zest it or peel it, but I think grating the peel works best in this recipe. Make sure to use an organic lemon so you don't have to worry about the post harvest on the peel.

Friday, August 28, 2009


アメリカで食べてみてハマった食べ物の中に、ヨーグルトがあります。といってもヴィーガンフードに興味があった私は、小さなフードコープで見つけたsoy yogurt (豆乳ヨーグルト)を食べてみました。そのときの感想は「!!!」でした。とーってもウマいんです!笑 今まで存在を知らなかったことがバカみたーい…って思いました笑 私が食べていたのはWholeSoy & Co.というブランドで、他のブランドは食べる機会がなかったのですが、見つけたらいつでもゲットし、一日に2個食べることもありました笑 この豆乳ヨーグルト、どこにでも置いてあるかというとそうでもなく、Whole Foods Market、地元の自然食品店やFood Co-op、運が良ければスーパーのオーガニックコーナーか大豆製品コーナーと言った具合に、限られた場所で見かける、いわばヴィーガン向けに販売されている商品です。なのでヴィーガンでない人は食べない、というか食べたことがない、存在を知らないなんて人が多いのです。が、これは食べないともったいないです!笑 あっさりしていておいしいし、なんともいえない大豆の香りがマイナスではなくプラスの方向に効いています。味はバニラ、ストロベリー、チェリー、ブルーベリーなどいろいろあります。これも驚きですがアメリカではバニラ味のヨーグルトや豆乳が主流なんですよね…豆乳のバニラもおいしいのですが、わたしはやっぱプレーンで飲みたい派です。WholeSoy.Coのラベル表示が以下(バニラ)。
そんな中、帰国する前に日本ではスゴイダイズのヨーグルトタイプなるものが新発売となったようで、お試しした方々のブログでのレビューもチェックしまくり、日本に帰っても豆乳ヨーグルトが食べられる!!とかなり興奮して帰ってきました。しかし!!ここで帰ってきて早速スーパーに向かい、この商品をひたすら探すも、スゴイダイズヨーグルトタイプがない!どこにもない!のです。発売はたしか2009年3月となっていたはずで、もうだいぶ前なのに…ネットで取り寄せようにも、売っているオンラインショップも見つからない…という状態でした。お試しした方のブログを眺めながら、指をくわえる日々でした。最近になって、イトーヨーカドーでやっと発見することができ、食べてみました。感想は「ウマー!」って感じです。こちらは固形成分が多いのか、WholeSoy & Co.よりももったりと濃厚な感じで、むしろこっちのほうが好きかも!と思いました。イソフラボンも豊富なようだし、カロリーも低めだし。近くのスーパーでもまた見つけたので、手に入る機会が多くなりそうです。最近やっと入荷が始まったのか、それとも、あるところにはあったのに私が気づかなかっただけなのか…まぁ手に入るならいいか。すこし高めなのが玉に瑕なのだけど。成分表示はこんな感じ。







そして、結局思ったことは、豆乳ヨーグルトは本当においしい、そしてどれもこれも少し惜しいわ!ということです。WholeSoy & Co.はこだわりの原材料、ヴィーガンな一方、分量が多くカロリーが高いという点。途中でやめればいい話ですが、カップで食べている以上やめるわけありません笑。スゴイダイズは濃厚、イソフラボンや食物繊維も多く、乳成分もゼロな一方、ゼラチンが含まれる点。ソヤファームは安く低カロリーな一方でゼラチン+乳成分。ラブレは甘すぎずカロリーも控えめ、ゼラチン不使用な一方で乳成分。ワガママなようですが、ヴィーガンかつカロリー控えめなものがあればベストです。WholeSoy & Co.など海外の豆乳ヨーグルトやラブレには凝固剤としてはコーンスターチや寒天など、植物性のものが使用されています。よってヴィーガンにすることは不可能ではないのに、残念ながらゼラチンはまだ含まれる様子。日本の豆乳ヨーグルトはそもそも必ずしもヴィーガンやアレルギー体質の方向けではなく、ヘルシー意識のある人向け、といった感じなのでしょうか。それでもゼラチンを抜くことによって食べる人は減ることはないしむしろ増えるのでしょうから、本当に惜しいです…

インド風レンズ豆のスープ (Indian Dal Soup)

from: Vegan A Go-Go

この日はお昼ご飯にもインド料理を食べたんですが、インド料理大好きなもので晩ご飯にもインドの香りを漂わせてしまいました…レンズ豆はインド料理や中東の料理に入っていることが多いみたいですが、独特の香りと食感がよくてレンズ豆のスープなどは大好物なんです笑 意外とボリュームもあってお腹いっぱいになるし☆

レシピはpodcastで配信されているオンラインのヴィーガンお料理番組、Vegan A Go-GoからIndian Dahlです。個人で作ってらっしゃる(?)動画みたいなんですが、普通の家庭で出来るレシピがたくさんあって、見るだけでもとっても楽しい番組です。

材料 (6人分)

レンズ豆 … 1 1/2 カップ

水または野菜コンソメ … 3 1/2カップ

玉ねぎ (大きめのみじん切り) … 中1個

カレー粉 … 大さじ1

ガラムマサラ … 小さじ1/2

ショウガ … 小さじ1/4

トマト(皮をむいて角切り) … 2個(缶入りでもよい)

ほうれん草 … 約220g

塩胡椒 … お好みで













(Faux) Tajine and Harissa

Along with Isa Chandra Moskowitz's risotto, I made some faux tajine and faux harissa. Tajine is a North African vegetable dish, steamed in a tajine pot without any water. The pot intensifies the wonderful natural flavor and sweetness of the vegetables. Harissa is a red spice paste usually made of chili pepper, garlic, olive oil, corriander, caraway, cumin and so on. Apparently, harissa is also really common in France and sold in jars, which would make a sweet souvenir.
Faux Harissa

3g (1 teaspoon) hijiki
half medium carrot, thinly sliced
100ml (little less than1/2 cup) water

1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon chili pepper
1/4 clove garlic

In a small saucepan, put the hijiki, carrot and water together and bring to boil.
Cover with a lid to simmer over medium heat for about 5 minutes.
Transfer it to a blender, add 1 tablespoon of the extract liquid left in the saucepan, salt, olive oil, chili pepper, garlic and mix until smooth.
Serve with tajine, salad, rice or sandwiches.
Faux Tajine

Ingredients (Serves 2)
1/2 medium carrot, thinly sliced
2 medium potatoes, peeled and quartered
1 medium onion, peeled and wedged
30g fresh or frozen pumpkin, diced into bite size squares
2/3 teaspoon salt
1/4 clove garlic, minced

200ml (0.8 cup) water

50cc tomato juice
2 shakes cumin
1 pinch curry powder

Put the vegetables in a pot, stir and add water to simmer over a low heat.
Add tomato juice, cumin and curry powder and simmer until most of the liquid is gone.
Serve with harissa.
I served these to my family, and they all loved it! The taste of harissa is pretty indescribable but so amazingly good! You would never think it'd taste like this. Even though I've never tasted or tried making a real harissa, which I do want to, I'll make this alternative harissa again. It's soft like whipped cream thanks to the texture of carrot and olive oil, kinda spicy and garlicy and flavorful. I also tried using it as a salad dressing or spreading it in my sandwich and it tasted great! It's a versatile sauce that you can put pretty much anywhere. I wanna try it with my couscous next time. Tajine is one of my favorite dishes, because I love love love vegetables. Tajine pretty much explains why vegetables are awesome. I've always wanted a tajine pot, but I'm not allowed to get one because my mom told me there was no space to put it in. She's right. And now I can make it without a tajine! I'd say a real tajine can't be beaten, but this is also a hearty good dish to satisfy my tummy!

Friday, August 21, 2009



Tuesday, August 18, 2009

キノコとドライトマトのリゾット (Mushroom and Sun-dried Tomato Risotto)

from: Vegan with a Vengeance

NY出身のヴィーガン料理研究家、Isa Chandra Moskowitz(イサ•シャーンドラ•モスコウィッツ)さんのVegan with a Vengeanceという本から、日本で揃う材料で作ってみたものです。


野菜スープストック* … 6カップ
干し椎茸 … 1カップ
オリーブオイル … 大さじ3
エシャロット*(みじん切り)… 1カップ
マッシュルーム(薄切り) … 3カップ
ドライトマト(刻む)… 1/4カップ
ニンニク(みじん切り)… 2片
タイム … 大さじ1
ローズマリー … 小さじ2
ナツメグ … 小さじ1/2
黒こしょう … 少々
塩 … 小さじ1/2
米(洗わない)… 1 1/2カップ
トリュフオイル* … 数摘(なくてもよい)

 *ヴィーガン料理家のイサさんもおっしゃる通り、そして想像がつく通り、とても高価なオイルらしいのでオプションとしてどうぞ。盛りつけてから数摘でとても香り豊かになるらしいです。うーんちょっと欲しい…けど買えない笑 元レシピでもオプションなのでご安心を。


とーーーっても!おいしかったです。キノコが大好きなので、リッチな風味とハーブの香りがいっぱいで大満足でした。毎週食べたいくらい濃厚な贅沢なごちそうです☆そしてこれがヴィーガンだなんて…イサさんは天才でしょう!笑 男性やお年寄りにはハーブの風味が受け入れられにくいかもしれませんが、私 の よ う な冒険好きでオシャレな女性のみなさんなら絶対気に入るハズ^^笑 レシピは本来4人分とありますが、アメリカのレシピなのでうちでは6人で食べても満腹になりました笑 ハーブや油分もお好みで調節してみてくださいね☆

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sweet Potato Ice Cream

You know what? I love Japanese sweet potatoes. I love them so much I keep eating them all day, skipping meals. I don't think it's a healthy diet to eat them for a day straight, but they're known to be high in fiber, which sounds super attractive! According to my vegetable encyclopedia, the white juice that comes out when you cut this kind of potato has a synergistic effect with the fiber to cleanse up our intestines! Sounds sexy, huh? When I was in America, I had a hard time finding the exact same kind as the one we find in Japan. What they carried as sweet potatoes in America looked different when cut, more of orange colored. Those were good but less sweet and less thick/sticky. I got to find the Japanese kind at a Japanese market, but do they ever have this kind at grocery stores? If so, what are they called? It's important because I really do miss these when I stay in the States. lol

300g / 10.5oz sweet potato
120g / 4.2oz sugar
300ml / 1 1/4 cups  plain unsweetened soy milk
a few drops vanilla extract

Peel off the potatoes and cut them into bite size pieces. Put them on a microwave safe plate, cover with saran wrap and microwave under 600w for 5 minutes (not sure about how to use American microwaves, but oh well, until they're cooked nice and soft, guess not too big of a deal!). Put them in a food processor with sugar and half of the soy milk to mix it until smooth. Add the rest of the soy milk and vanilla to mix again. Put the mixture in a container and freeze. Whisk after an hour, and again after an hour. Do this three times in total, and freeze until firm enough.
The ice cream was delicious! As a sweet potato lover, I can't get enough of this stuff. More precisely, this isn't too much of a creamy ice cream. It was "rich" in potato flavor and texture, as opposed to rich as in milky rich. This was technically my first attempt to make an "annoying" kind of ice cream, where I have to stir it a few times. The outcome texture was pretty hard. So I had to wait for like 7 minutes for it to melt a bit, which was like the most cruel torture for me. To avoid this, I would use an ice cream maker if I had one, but unfortunately I don't. Or, I could try freezing the potato bits after microwaving / before processing them. It might work for making it fluffier because that's what we do with our easy raspberry ice cream. Speaking of it, I could also use soy whip to make it creamier, rich and fatter.

Juicy Tomato on Rice

from: リゾットみたいなつゆだくトマト丼 at vege dining 野菜のごはん
I'm a huge fan of tomatoes, especially cooked ones. Apparently, when you heat up your tomatoes, it increases the amount of the nutrient called lycopene in the tomatoes, which is an antioxidant. So I'm assuming this dish is pretty healthy, also with the combination of tomato and olive oil. And it tastes good! Here's the super easy recipe:

Ingredients (serves 1)
1 big red tomato (200g/7oz)
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 pinch salt
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 serving (sticky) rice

Hull the tomato, put it in a small pot with olive oil and salt. Cover the pot with a lid and heat it over medium heat. When steam starts to escape, reduce the heat to low to steam for 15-20 minutes. When it's done, you see the clear juice out of the tomato and it's soft and nice when you poke it. Add soy sauce and put it on top of rice to serve.

I substituted the rice with rolled oats, because I had tons of it to use up. I just picked the whole grain oats over white rice because I usually like it better. It tasted good with oatmeal too, but I'm sure the juice covers better over rice and the texture of rice would go better with the runny juice.

Monday, August 10, 2009

About this Blog(このブログについて)

Hi. I'm an experimenting college kid, excited about how she is going to eat the world for the rest of her life! I'm really interested in vegan/macrobiotic diet. I wouldn't mind being a vegan, when I can cook my vegan deliciousness at home, or have vegan alternatives at any restaurants. But in reality, it's not that easy especially living in Tokyo area. Therefore, I simply enjoy occasional vegan cooking at home. Wish I was living in SF, with a Japanese style bathroom with the tub and the shower space separated!

I created this blog to simply record the food I cook, because I wanted to keep track of the food from the recipes I find in my cook books, blogs, and recipe websites. I use both English/American and Japanese recipes, because they're equally interesting and awesome in different ways.
American recipes are good in creating creamy or cheesy texture in the dishes, using the useful dairy substitutes they have almost everywhere. Also it's way easier to get access to broad variety of ethnic recipe ideas and ingredients in the States, such as Greek, Southern, Mexican, Slavic and Jewish (It's not too easy to find hummus, guacamole, tortillas or phyllo dough at grocery stores in Japan!)
Japanese recipes are good in making my dishes low fat, simply veganizing some ingredients and a lot of times you can leave them as they are. There are also lots of different kinds of soy or gluten/starch-like products that can be a bit hard to find in America, which give great texture to the recipe.
Both American and Japanese recipes are suitable for cooking in each area, but still interesting and exciting to cook with what we're not used to. My attempt here is to translate and add descriptions to the recipes. I'll write the recipes in English when the original recipes are Japanese, and in Japanese when they're American.

初めまして!ヴィーガン料理に興味津々の大学生です。日本ではレストランでの選択肢や、付き合いといった微妙な問題もあり、ベジタリアン料理だけ食べるという生活がなかなか難しいのですが、家で自分で料理する機会があれば、ここぞとばかりにヴィーガン料理を作ってみてしまいます!何より、この材料でこんなにオイシイ!という感動があってワクワクするし、楽しくてやめられないのであります笑 まだまだ料理初心者なのでとっても素人な出来で申し訳ないです…が、色々なレシピをシェアしていけたらと思っています。
